High traffic for your site can seem like an elusive holy grail, but it’s not out of reach if you use your resources properly. Smart inbound practices give your leads reasons to seek you out, bolstering your organic traffic. So is traffic accumulated through paid ads even worth the cost?
Understanding Paid Traffic
For those who aren’t familiar with the details of how paid traffic is attained, it can seem like just another extraneous expense to trim away. Why pay for online ads if you’re already paying for ads in print? Why spend money for traffic when you can get it for free with good reputation management, social media engagement, and SEO? The truth is that when paid traffic drivers are used in the right ways, not to mention budgeted properly, you can secure a return that is well worth the investment. A user who is drawn to your site though a paid ad that’s relevant to their needs will pay off many times over when they become a loyal client.
The most widespread method of attaining paid traffic online is Google AdWords. This alone should speak volumes of its effectiveness, but it’s important to know why it works. Firstly, you have absolute control over the maximum amount that you are able to invest into your ads. Secondly, you only pay when an ad gets you a visit to your landing page. Thirdly, and perhaps more importantly, is its reach. From display ads on sites all across the web to search ads, YouTube ads, and in-app mobile ads, the scope of AdWords is enormous. When you maximize relevance with the right keywords and well-written ad copy, the results speak for themselves.
Social Media Ads
The fact that AdWords really does work is more or less a no-brainer, but this doesn’t mean that it’s the only source of paid traffic. What about social? Facebook boasts an overwhelmingly large user base, enough data on those users to offer extensive targeting tools, and relatively low cost-per-click. Instagram and Twitter are nothing to sneeze at either. Instagram is owned by Facebook, allowing for nifty integration features that combine their strengths. Twitter, meanwhile, offers keyword targeting, which Facebook does not. When the right person is behind the wheel, each platform can work wonders for driving traffic to your site.
The team at eKzact can help you with far more than ramping up your organic and paid traffic. We can help you convert those visitors into new and loyal clients, establish a strong relationship between you and your online community, and more. Call (403) 770-3023 to get in touch today!