3 Ways a Crowded Internet is Changing Business Web Design

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Usually, when we refer to “change” in business web design, we are talking about the technical or artistic aspects – new design choices, hosting packages, or apps that make sites do more than they did in the past. But, being that business websites are essentially sales and marketing tools, they are also affected by outside factors (and specifically, the level of competition that the company faces online or off).

And so, it shouldn’t be surprising that a more “crowded” Internet is changing some parts of business web design. Here are three things you have to know:

1. Web designs are getting simpler. On the one hand, customers don’t want to have to look through your site to find the information they’re looking for, and on the other, mobile devices make complicated navigation schemes hard to manage. As a result, websites are getting simpler than they used to be, with the information presented in an easy-to-understand way.

2. Efficiency is as important as artistic value. Think of your website in the same way you would downtown Manhattan real estate: with no space wasted. Because potential buyers are more likely to scan your site than they are to hang around and read it in detail, the most important information needs to be presented in a way that makes it easy to find and digest, but without making your pages seem crowded.

3. The focus is now on conversions. There was a time when the primary goal of a website was to inform customers or add credibility to your company. Now, though, most business owners and executives want to see results, in the form of online sales, phone calls, and other measurable conversions. Your site should be an important part of your sales and marketing machine.

Since more and more business websites go online every day, it’s important to have one that stands out if you want customers to take notice. Why not speak with a member of the eKzact team and see if we can give you the design you need to make an impact in the market?

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