What happens when you see a business website you love, and would like to emulate, even though you know it’s probably well out of your budget range?
We see this situation from time to time when smaller companies compare their web presences to the ones they see other Calgary companies using. Even though their well-funded counterparts might have tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars more to spend, it doesn’t stop the clients from dreaming about a bigger, sharper business website.
With that in mind, here are three tips for taking big-budget Calgary web design ideas and making them more affordable:
1. Find the elements you really like. Although the overall effect might leave the strongest impression, you’re probably really drawn to one or two different design elements. For example, you might like the color scheme, the overall layout of the site, or the way a company uses interactive menus.
2. Take away the unnecessary. Despite the impressive look of the bigger site, there are probably elements of it that either wouldn’t be applicable in your business or wouldn’t add anything to your bottom line. Identify the “extras” you don’t need and take them off your wish list.
3. Separate substance from glitz. Ultimately, anything that doesn’t help you bring in new customers or keep the ones you have probably isn’t worth spending a lot of money on. So, when in doubt, work with your Calgary web designer to find the parts of an impressive website that could actually make an impact and take your focus away from the extra glitz.
You don’t always have to spend big money to get big results in Calgary web design. Call the team at eKzact today and see what we’ve been able to do for other companies just like yours.
By David A. West Join me on Google+