What Companies Get Wrong About Web Content

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As far as Internet marketing ingredients go, web content is pretty simple – it’s the text, images, and even videos you use to put on your web pages. Most business owners and executives understand clearly the need for content, and get why it’s so important to search engines and customers alike.

That’s not the same as saying content marketing is simple, though, or that clients always understand the different purposes content can fill. To help you understand why misconceptions are so common, here are a few things companies often get wrong about web content:

They don’t understand what it’s for. While a lot of people tend to think web content is all about sharing information, that’s only partially true. Although you certainly do want your web content to tell customers about who you are and what you do, you also want it to persuade them to take action. Otherwise, your website won’t have the impact you’re hoping for.

They don’t use enough. While using minimalist content is a popular design trend, it can be a disastrous Internet marketing decision. That’s because content doesn’t just convey marketing messages, it also helps you attract attention from search engines, social media followers, and even newsletter readers.

They don’t use the right search terms and phrases. Of course, for your content to be found, it has to have the right searchable words, phrases, and terms in the right places. Finding the balance between artistic style and search visibility isn’t always easy, but it can make or break the effectiveness of your website.

If your web content isn’t as strong as you’d like it to be – or if you’re not getting the kinds of results you wish you were from Internet marketing – now could be a perfect time to talk to the creative minds at eKzact. Why not schedule a free consultation today?

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